
Something big is coming from Gorillaz: Is this the animated band’s long-awaited return?

In the last day, the iconic animated band Gorillaz has discovered Instagram in a major way. At 66 posts and counting, it’s been an exciting 24 hours for fans.

The feed seems to display some sort of chronological summary of the group’s career to date, starting with their debut release in 2000 and extending all the way to well, today.

gorillazOne of the more mysterious bands the world knows, Gorillaz have released a series of cryptic Instagram posts hinting at something huge in the works.

The stream of images, videos and text posts show 2D, Murloc, Noodle and Russel throughout important moments in their career including the release of Demon Days, their acceptance speech at the Grammys and rare, obscured live performances.

Love forever, love is free…

A video posted by Gorillaz (@gorillaz) on

A link to Gorillaz’ Youtube channel is constantly mentioned (we’ve checked – there’s nothing new there yet). Could this be a hint that a new song is going to drop there? It seems strange to build this much hype for anything less.

This would be first release from the make-believe musos since 2011’s The Fall, a freely available album which was somewhat overshadowed by the resounding success of 2010’s Plastic Beach.

As of the time of this article, the post below is the latest on their feed:

Now playing: Gorillaz.com/YouTube

A video posted by Gorillaz (@gorillaz) on

As to what it means, your guess is as good as ours. What we do know is, we can’t wait for whatever is in store.

Via Music Feeds.