
Britain ruins the internet, starts porn censorship plan

Britain may know how to pump out some great musicians, but the Kingdom’s decision makers can really be lame when they need to.

In the latest and greatest example of a government having absolutely no fucking clue how the internet works, Britain is undertaking it’s long-awaited plan to introduce a UK wide porn censorship scheme. Good luck.

porn censorship

After months of idle threats, The British government has yet again proved how disconnected they are from their population by rolling out a porn censorship plan.

Of course members of the prudish British parliament have never watched a second of pornography in their lives, despite it being one of the most consumed media on the planet.

The Digital Economy Bill seeks to ban anything that can’t be shown on commercial DVD’s and television – so say goodbye to butt stuff, putting more than three fingers in someone’s mouth, or you know, any kind of penetration whatsoever.

The bill follows the guidelines set by the Obscene Publications Act, a nifty, forward-thinking and progressive document that was written in 1959.

If you think that’s old, it’s actually a few years junior to the politicians pushing the policy.

With the government already in conversation with the major porn websites of the world, it’s only a matter of time before this censorship starts to rear it’s head. Just watch as Dr. Cox’s prophecy comes to life:

“I’m fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there’d only be one website left, and it’d be called bring back the porn.”