
The new blue/black gold/white dress? The internet is losing its mind over this pair of legs

We all remember the infamous blue/black, gold/white dress that melted minds and caused mayhem across the internet last year. Well, it looks like there’s a new contender for the most divisive viral event ever. This time it’s a pair of legs that is the culprit.

pair of legs

The internet is losing its shit over this pair of legs posted on to Instagram. What do you see? Paint or gloss? Go.

What do you see?

There are two options:

1 – A pair of super glossy, almost slimy looking legs. Ones that look as though they’ve been lubed up like hell then transposed into an anime movie

2 – The legs of a very sloppy painter.

Let the arguments begin…..

glossy legs

Are you done?

The photo belongs to Instagram user Hunter Culverhouse who posted a photo of their legs after doing a bit of painting – yes it is paint.

For most though, the first thing they see is a set of glossy legs. Then something snaps and all they can see is paint. Some though, can only see one or the other.

All we know is that this shit is causing more havoc than it should.

Go back to work people.