
Great Good Fine Okay – Body Diamond

Great Good Fine Okay are everything their name suggests and more and the Brooklyn based electro-pop duo have just dropped their debut EP Body Diamond.

Great Good Fine Okay

After listening to the debut EP from Great Good Fine Okay, Body Diamond, you’ll be – for lack of a better description – good great fine okay!

Their EP Body Diamond was released on October 3rd, and showcases their unique craft in the dance / pop world. Whilst GGFO are quite fresh to ears of Australian listeners with a big following around the US, it is definitely a welcomed change. After listening to the EP, I doubt though that it will take long for the duo to grow a large following within Australia. They do a really nice mix of electronics, pop and tempo changes combined with lyrics to create a great range of diversity in each of the four tracks. For the EP they have definitely chosen tacks to showcase the diverse talent that is GGFO.

The EP opens with the track You’re The One For Me. This song is definitely one you would expect as an introduction track. Whilst there isn’t a great drop or extreme build, what this song does is have is a really welcoming vibe. The light and airy feel to it eases you into the listening experience and is really uplifting. Perfectly chosen to open the EP Body Diamond.

Second track for the EP is Not Going Home. This track is quite different form the first especially in the intro. Whilst You’re The One For Me is quite soothing this track opens with a really upbeat and bouncy sound. There is a great 80’s pop element to this song. The undertones of the music combine an electro and 80’s pop feel to produce some really great foot-tapping-tunes.

By My Side is the third tack and out of each track from the EP, has the greatest electronic elements. With the use of a faster tempo, and electronics including a really great level of base create a great track. What gives this track its premium though is how the light and airy lyrics blend so smoothly with the faster-electronic tempo. A very seamless and the standout track from the EP.

The EP finishes on Say it All. If you needed any more evidence that GGFO nailed it with this EP then you’ll find it with this track. Like the first track it has been perfectly chosen. You can really tell that this track was used to not only conclude the EP but to also keep listeners intrigued. After listening to this song you cant help yourself but go and see what else GGFO have out there.

Body Diamond, is a flawless and well thought out EP from Good Great Fine Okay. Can’t wait to see what’s next from them!



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