
EXCLUSIVE: Float away with Sam Buckingham’s Rabbit Hole

Way back when, folk crooner Sam Buckingham graced the Happy Soundcloud with a very special exclusive track Rabbit Hole. A sweet, tender little thing, it’s a track that marvels at the wonder found in romance. Now, you can float away to those “Hoo-hoo-hoo’s” with this cute little owl in the latest addition to our Exclusive video series.

Sam Buckingham Owl

Indulge in the infectiously sweet melodies of Sam Buckingham’s Rabbit Hole. A pretty folk tale that serves as a celebration and gentle warning of romance.

Sam has a penchant for the sweet and folky side of music, and she does it pretty darn well. Look no further than her latest EP Little Old Train. Lately Sam has been traveling and writing, and we’re all waiting with baited breath to hear more of her warm, endearing tunes.

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