
Dirt Farmer – She Shot It

These guys are cool. Like, really cool.

It was my very cool friend from Melbourne (Sigh. Yes from Melbourne. Despite my prejudice, they are good at finding good stuff) who introduced me to this fun-in-the-sun old-school rock and roll band who are just really good at making nice, happy music without any annoying pretentiousness.

dirt farmer band

Music doesn’t need to be so sad all the time. Let in the sunshine with Melbourne’s Dirt Farmer.

How would I describe their music? Pure sunshine. If you don’t like them it’s probably because you’re a jaded, pessimistic hipster. Sorry, but it’s true. These guys are way too cute to hate on even if they are technically from Melbourne (can you tell I’m from Sydney?). If you’ve read this far without playing any of their tracks you won’t be able to grasp how fun and happy their music is, and you know what? THAT’S OK. MUSIC DOES NOT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE OBSCURE AND DEPRESSING.

Moving on…

Johnny Marble – off their self-titled debut EP – is the song that hooked me into this band; hypnotic guitar hooks, groovy bass and crooning vocals + sweet falsettos all combine to make your face hurt from smiling. Like a pop-virus, itd will infect your brain into thinking that dancing and swaying like a 1960’s Californian hippie is ok. Any song that can trick ME into thinking dancing at ANY time is ok, is pretty darned amazing.

I’m trying to focus only on two or three songs for this article so as to not overwhelm you people but honestly, it’s a very frustrating dilemma for me to choose between all their stuff because it is some seriously good stuff. She Shakes is an example of how Aussie these dudes are lyrically: “I heard my papa call he said I’m waiting down the line – don’t forget your sun hat boy and I wont forget mine.”

Then you’ve got their ultra-nostalgic-California-dreaming flavour in She Shot It which could easily fit into a fully ‘Murican prom setting. Whatever vibe they decide to go with it seems as though they just make it work and I’m super psyched for any new stuff they roll out.

It’s a very good time to be getting yourself acquainted with Dirt Farmer now because they’ve been working away at an impressive pace with their second EP Delilah Lightning released not so long ago in June of last year, and a still new-ish single: She Shot It out back in April which is the first track off their debut album Free BBQ which is scheduled to come out later this year! Phew! Bottom line: Dirt Farmer is chill. Listen to them or go sit in the corner with your beatnik friends being depressed whilst we dance on the beach with flowers in our hair.



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